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Boating, the Monaco Energy Boat Challenge is back 

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The Monaco Energy Boat Challenge is back. The annual meeting with a focus on alternative energy sources, which will take place from 3 to 8 July in Munich, will see a succession of news, out of the ordinary projects and new initiatives to celebrate the tenth anniversary. 

Competitors will be divided into 3 categories: Solar Class, Open Class and Energy Class. After ten years of challenge, the first innovative projects have become marketable products, paving the way towards a more environmentally responsible future. 

“Faced with the climate emergency, it is imperative that living proof of progress replace promises to ensure and pass on a legacy of quality to future generations,” says Prince Albert II of Monaco, president of the Yacht Club de Monaco. 

While contestants in the Solar Class and Open Class still have time to refine their entries, the shortlisted attendees for the Energy Class have just been revealed. Fifteen universities, two sector teams and ten nationalities for a total of 17 teams have received the green light from the technical committee, which has examined 19 dossiers. 

Participants include the Indian Institute of Technology Madras team for its hydrogen battery hybrid propulsion project, with the idea of adding a wave energy capture system using regenerative suspension in the future. Alongside them, the Sea Sakthi team from Kumaraguru College of Technology, India, will compete for the second consecutive year. The new teams also include the teams from Genoa and Messina, and a new French and German team. 

Leading up to the event, a new mentoring program will begin in February, and run until July, for teams eligible for tailored support. Established to strengthen ties between the yachting industry and competing university teams, this initiative allows industry experts to provide attendees with targeted advice specific to their project and goals. 

The program complements the well-established Job Forum which connects industry professionals with talented future marine engineers. 

Organized by the Yacht Club de Monaco in collaboration with the Prince Albert II of Monaco Foundation and with the support of Credit Suisse, BMW, SBM Offshore and the Oceanco shipyard, the event is part of the series of initiatives of Monaco, Capital of Advanced Yachting. 

For the first time, YCM is joined by MarineShift360, a life cycle assessment (LCA) tool for the marine industry, which allows competitors to measure the impact of their boat on the environment.

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