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Adam Muhammed case, new post on Facebook


 A new chapter has emerged in the sobering story of Adam Muhammed, the young Moroccan who reported that he was assaulted and was heard at the police station in Casablanca on Thursday. Adam has used Facebook again to recount another more recent part of his story: “I want to tell all the people who are worried about my case that I’m fine and I’m currently at home. As far as the summons is concerned, I was only questioned about the assault of which I was a victim, and the interrogation took place under the best possible conditions and in a professional and respectful manner. I am completely confident that justice will run its course and allow me to free myself from all that I have endured on my own for the past two years. Today I became aware that I’m not alone and that many people love me, which makes me very happy. I want to tell these people that I have the same love and support for you. I love you”, declared the social media statement.

 In the past, Adam has always used Facebook to report the assault he claims to have suffered: “Today, I want to talk about a case of sexual and physical harassment and an attempted sexual assault I suffered at the end of 2018 by the founder of a well-known electronic newspaper – the first post states – Talking about it now makes me sick. I met this person through his wife, who wanted to work with me on a film dealing with LGBT issues in Morocco. The woman was a friend of mine and I didn’t realise what his intentions were during the film project until after the events occurred”, the account begins. Then more details were given: “Sometimes I noticed the strange looks her husband was giving me. I got a phone call from her husband asking me to return to the house the next day at eleven in the morning to finish the recording. In the morning, as I entered the house, it became apparent that there was no one else there except us and the cleaning lady who was in the kitchen. The man served me a glass of water then took me to his bedroom on the pretext that we would shoot some scenes there, but I was surprised to see him lock the bedroom door. Whilst I undressed he threw himself on me, shocked, I pushed him away violently because I did not expect such behaviour from an intellectual who defends individual freedoms and who, above all, has a successful career with a well-known news site… This person took advantage of my weakness and my problems and the fragile situation in which I found myself to use me to satisfy his sexual needs”, states Adam’s version of events.

 You can find further details in the Facebook post: “The period I was going through at the time prevented me from speaking out about it;  2018 was a dark year for me which coincided with the beginning of family difficulties surrounding my homosexuality and my leaving home. I couldn’t talk about it because I had no one I could depend on or who could help me, not even the people who contacted me about my situation… This incident caused me to have a psychological breakdown after which I couldn’t speak out or report it. Why did you go to his house? What are you going to film? Do you have a permit? So, this is a fabrication? I would have compromised myself and so I decided to keep quiet. I know it’s too late to speak about this issue, but I wanted to tell those who are victims of harassment, aggression, or brutality that we must continue to assert our rights and speak out to prevent these things from happening. We have to talk.”

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